watermelon chunks

when i eat watermelon chunks
i go for the seediest pieces first
i take my time
slicing deftly around the pods with my spoon
chewing slowly and carefully
spitting each seed out one by one
while consuming the smallest bits of flesh

sometimes i will miss a seed
i bite down
bitterness filles my mouth
and i have to manoeuvre the rough split bits
through the desired flesh
and pick it off
from the tip of my tongue

there is a large seedless piece in my bowl
but i don't touch it, not yet
how luxurious, i think
the joy
to bite into that juicy piece
to chew and chew with reckless abandon

while i am working on another seed-filled piece
three ants find their way into my bowl
they burrow into the red-pink flesh
they dig and dig with reckless abandon

they're in it now, and all throughout
drunk with joy
nothing to be done, i think
the beautiful, seedless piece of watermelon
i toss it in the trash