Hello! 👋 I’m Serena, an experienced designer who cares about thoughtfully creating technology for a kinder, more inclusive, and better world.

I am currently not looking for new opportunities.

My experience is in refactoring, redesigning and rebuilding large-scale systems. More recently, my focus is in designing for security, privacy and trust, and I care a lot about accessibility and performance. I've worked in product environments big and small, as well as open source communities and web standarisation work. I've probably worked on something you've used :)

I enjoy tackling big problems: foundational problems, problems that have real impact in people’s lives. I get the most satisfaction when my work has lasting effects, when I can positively affect something for years to come.

A photograph of me.

What I can bring to your team

The coveted New Zealand accent, obscure philosophies, and a foosball buddy for anyone who’s keen. Also, here are what my colleagues have said about me:

Working with Serena has been amazing. What has impressed me the most is her constant desire to grow the industry that she’s a part of by being an active participant and leader. In the workplace, she’s thorough, has considered opinions with good rationale, and is constructive and suggestive. She’s without a doubt recognised by our design team as someone who is a great sounding board, and someone to give good advice. She has talent, craft and can work from high level detail right down to the small stuff. She’ll without a doubt be sorely missed.
—Allan Mansfield, Lead Designer — Website

Serena has been a super valuable member of my product team. She clearly knows her stuff and I always respect her opinion. I also appreciate her open-mindedness — she’s genuinely collaborative, never precious about her ideas and she’s great at juggling best practice considerations with the team’s technical or time constraints.
—Asha Scott-Morris, Business Analyst

What is it like to work with Serena? Awesome. She is a valuable team member: from being a fun team member, to the super high quality of her work, and her deep and wide ranging knowledge which shows up all the time... a real asset, and all round good human.
—Steve Mosley, Senior Software Engineer

Serena has a balance of creativity, critical thinking, self-awareness and intelligence that is a force to behold when she is tackling a problem. She is conscientious and good-natured, which makes her an absolute delight to work with.
—Kelsey Thomson, Senior UX Researcher

I enjoyed working with her immensely and she made a lasting impression on my view of interaction design. From the start I was struck by the sense that she has a deep and well considered philosophy of design. Her enthusiasm is infectious and she has the capacity to come up with brilliant insights, but she is also an attentive listener, willing to build on the ideas of others. These skills, combined with her genuine curiosity and sense of humour, make her an incredibly valuable part of my team.
—Malcolm McKenzie, Product Owner

Serena is one of those magical people who straddle both the design and technical world with ease. She has the ability to create great (not to mention beautiful) user experiences, while also understanding and contributing to how that experience is built and performs. She understands code, and much much more… and she’ll happily share her knowledge. All this while being a delightful human being to be around!
—Sharlene Clarke, Product Designer

Serena mentored me throughout my internship at BNZ and honestly I couldn’t have hoped for a better mentor. She is so talented and knowledgeable and just an overall whizz at design that I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to learn from her.
—Katie McKenzie, Junior Designer

What I am looking for in a workplace

Big challenges, foundational challenges. I enjoy working at scale, and providing real, long lasting improvements to the lives of everyday people. I love complex, meaty problems, and tackling them with toolkits from my many backgrounds.

A respect for the fellow human and work-life balance. I believe in quality of work over mere quantity. Values of inclusion and social justice are also important to me, and I care about leaving the world ever so slightly better than it was when I entered it.

Smart, genuine and friendly people to learn from. I love working with people who are excited about, care about, and excel at what they do. It inspires me and propels me to be better. There's an indescribable joy I feel when learning something new, or gain a better appreciation for another small bit of the world we live in. Plus, what more could one ask from life than fantastic humans to spend it with?